Article Marketing And Article Submissions Are The Way Of The Present

In today's online world, article marketing and article submissions are starting to be even more and more in style with so many webmasters beginning to become conscious of the many pros of writing and submitting articles. The issue that many of these site owners have is that they simply do not have enough time in the day to write and submit several articles. It's at this point that an article submission service comes into play.

Of course, you want to choose the right service, and here is a simple tip for you. Be sure that the article submission service offers manual article submissions.

Now more than ever, article marketing websites and directories are claiming higher and higher record breaking submissions of well written articles. Search engines are now placing much more weight on one way inbound links to your website. One of the best ways to attain those links is by writing unique articles. That's why today people are devoting more and more of their time writing these informative articles. Actually, this is a practice that all webmasters should get in the habit of doing as it is an excellent way of accumulating these one way links.

Should you use an article submission service?

Like I said before, many of us do not have the available time to allocate to article marketing. Because of this fact, a new service has arrived where individuals or companies are thrilled to submit your uniquely written articles to numerous article directories, which is more often than not at least twenty, for a fee of course. A good few of these people and companies also offer article writing and submission services, whereby not only will they submit your article, but they will also write it for you. This can free up all the time that you currently devote to article marketing. Now you can use that time to help grow your business.

There are several sites on the web that offer these article submission services, and they all pretty much submit to the same article directories. Of course, you want to be sure that your articles are getting submitted to the best of the online directories, like

Of course, you shouldn't focus your entire internet marketing campaign on article submissions. There are many other techniques you can use to attain inbound links and thus drive traffic to your site. One of these techniques is directory submissions. The idea is the same as article submissions, you submit your site to many online directories that categorize your site and display it, similar to yellow pages.

Another technique is text link ads. These are ads that webmasters will put on their site linking back to your site. Usually, you will have to offer them something in return. Sometimes, this is money or some other form of payment. Others, it's a reciprocal link which goes to a web page of their choosing.

It is important to accumulate as many backlinks as possible, since they will help you drive traffic to your site and help push you up in the search engine rankings. But, that's for another article. However, it's safe to say that you should be putting a major effort into getting backlinks.

Because of this, article marketing has already become incredibly popular, however it is my opinion that soon enough it will become substantially larger and a must for anyone trying to achieve high rankings in the search engines.

The best advice I could give is to start writing right now and if, like many others, you don't have enough time, find someone to write for you for a fair price. As in many other areas of life, the harder you work the more the reward. Well, at least the smarter you work.

This holds true on the internet as well, you can't write one article, or have one written, and expect to see a drastic improvement in your sites traffic or search engine rankings. Set your sites on writing half a dozen articles per week, or so, and you will see a huge difference in your site traffic after a few months and possibly even before then. I know it sounds like hard work, but remember there are always ways to work smart. Sometimes it's as simple as having someone else work hard.

Time is money and it's important that you know what your time is worth. For example, if your time is worth $250 per hour, and you can write 3 articles per hour, each article is costing you $80 or so.

In my opinion, it's pretty easy to justify the cost of article writing and article submissions due to the added time it frees up which can be spent on more profit generating activities.

About the Author:

There's much to learn about Article Submissions, Article Writing Service, and Article Marketing Services.

Article Source: - Article Marketing And Article Submissions Are The Way Of The Present

Submit Articles, Article Submissions, Article Submission Services, Article Writing Services