MLM Prospect - How To Be A Network Marketing Magnet!

An MLM prospect for many network marketers is akin to finding a gold nugget in the sand.

They are hard to come by and when one comes "knocking at your door" you'd better be prepared to show them what they want to see.

Problem is, many distributors will roll their eyes over and suddenly launch themselves into a script about their company, the products and the huge amount of money their MLM prospect will make and consequently, the result will usually be a negative one for them.

After they've performed this ritual several times and no one is joining their business they'll either leave the business themselves or blame it on the company and it's products.

It's been proven over and over again the hard sell has no place in the MLM business. So why do most keep doing it. One reason is they are so happy to have someone look at their opportunity that exuberance takes over and they just don't want to lose the prospect.

But lose them they do; over and over again!

The Secret To MLM Prospecting

Here's the secret to at least give yourself half a chance of your network marketing prospect joining your business. Forget the hard sell. Yes, that's it!

Get rid of the script you've been using and put yourself in your prospect's shoes. How would you like to sold an opportunity?

You need to become an MLM mentor from the beginning. We hear the word over delivering a lot in the internet marketing arena and the same applies to MLM.

Be the person your prospect wants you to be. Be a coach and offer advice from the start.

Follow these four principles and watch your results improve. They will at least give you an opportunity to develop that all-important relationship with your would-be business partner.

That's what it's all about; developing a relationship and earning the respect of the prospect rather than "bull-dozing them into an opportunity they don't really want to join.

1. Be what the prospect is looking for. You will be a direct reflection of the company you represent.

2. Avoid the temptation to read from a script. Yes, throw it away. Why? Because people are not stupid and they know the difference between a genuine, from the heart spiel as opposed to a written presentation read word for word.

3. Be a mentor from the beginning. Yes, from the moment the introductions are over. The term over-deliver should be ingrained in your mind. Start training your prospect with helpful tips and information. Point them in the right direction. Simply be as helpful as you can.

4. Become an irresistible magnet to your MLM prospect. You earn respect, not demand it and once your prospect likes dealing with you your chances of signing them into your business will increase significantly.

About the Author:

Want to put network marketing lead generation back in your favor? Learn the 7 great lies of network marketing. Join the top 5% of network marketers making money by dramatically improving your sponsoring rate!

Article Source: - MLM Prospect - How To Be A Network Marketing Magnet!

MLM, Network Marketing, Mlm Prospect