The Truth About “turn-key” Home Business Opportunities

There are definitely numerous opportunities for those interested in making money to purchase their very own turn-key home business. What I mean by “turn-key” is that the home business is ready to go, right out of the box so to speak. No work is needed for market research or business development. You are handed the keys to a fully-functioning home business and all you have to do is market it and wait for the money to pour in. Unfortunately, turn-key home business opportunities are not everything they are cracked up to be and if you want to be successful you need to know the truth.

The Market Saturation Issue

When you buy a turn-key home business, you have to accept the fact that you are not the only person that business model is being sold to. For example, if you buy a turn-key home business that provides customers with website hosting, not only are you competing with all of the other home business owners who bought their business from the same exact person, but you are also competing with the thousands of other website hosting companies.

It is possible to make money in a saturated market, but only if you have something unique to offer. With a turn-key home business, others out there are offering the same exact thing you are and uniqueness is not a part of the equation. With this type of situation, pulling a profit is going to be almost impossible.

Cookie-Cutter Home Business Websites

While saturated markets are a problem, they are nothing compared to the issues cookie-cutter websites cause. Cookie cutter websites are turn-key home business websites that are literally replicas of each other.

Somewhere in the world, a web designer with average web skills and a bit of business savvy put together a great home business website idea and then built it. That web designer then made hundreds of copies of that website and gave them each different domain names. If you could not see the domain names, you would not be able to tell the difference between any of the websites because there are not any differences. They are all the same.

This web designer then sells these one-hundred duplicate websites to one-hundred different people. He then makes one-hundred more copies and sells those to another hundred people. The process continues until there are more than a thousand people promoting and marketing the same exact website, each of them trying to make a profit. Market saturation is bad enough, but when you are not just saturating a market with similar services, but are actually saturating a market with the same exact website, it is a recipe for home business disaster.

A Little Part of a Big Picture

There is something I need to clarify. There is a big difference between a turn-key home business and the opportunity to become a part of a bigger business. For example, there are thousands of gourmet coffee houses across the United States. If you open one of the famous ones, chances are you will be successful. That is because opening a branch of a bigger business or becoming a part of a well-known operation is not the same as buying a turn-key home business. There are some business opportunities that have room for many, many people to prosper – but that is because it is a team effort. There are numerous people working towards the goal of pushing the business forward as a whole. That is not the case with turn-key business opportunities.

Uniqueness Is the Key to Success

Think about every successful business or product you know. What is one thing those businesses have in common? They had something unique to offer. Whether it was a unique product, a unique service or a unique way of doing business, there is something that sets them apart from the pack.

With turn-key home businesses, the ability to be unique becomes almost impossible and no one is really going to take your home business seriously. If you want a successful home business, take time to build one from the ground up.

About the Author:

Copyright © 2007 - Nicole Taylor is founder of Home Business Online Opportunities. For more information please visit:

Article Source: - The Truth About “turn-key” Home Business Opportunities

Home Business, Home Business Opportunities, Turn-key Business Opportunities