You Just Might be an Mlm'er If...

My favorite "you might be if" joke is

You just might be a redneck if your working tv is sitting ontop of your nonworking tv. Heh Heh Ive been

While the program I currently am involved with, The Secret Pays, is not an MLM. I have spent a good number of years as an MLM'er. I thought maybe some of my readers might enjoy this.

What about "you just might be an MLM'er if" Jokes? I have come up with a couple . How do YOU know your an MLM'er.

You just might be an MLM'er if

1. You start to give a presentation while at Uncle Joe's Funeral.

2. Thanksgiving Prayers includes your downline.

3 You can't wait for Telemarketers to call so you can pitch your product at them.

4. You go to other people's family reunions

5. You go to the preachers house and he runs and hides.

6. When your Daughter has a child your refer to the kid as your greatdownline.

These are just a few I thought of , lets hear some of yours.

Roy M

About the Author:

The Secret Pays is Roy's current business interest. You can follow this system just by going to the above link.

Article Source: - You Just Might be an Mlm'er If...

MLM, Business, Downline, Secret, Jokes